Today I learned how to install wireless net works and put up dishes. I went with the wireless team for an install and an update on a tower. I learned that you have to actually manually point the dish at the tower to get better signal, and there is a margin that is acceptable. I learned how to cap a LAN cable and how to program a router. I really enjoyed getting out in the field again.
Today I learned about DLS (A way of transmitting internet through phone lines by using a different wave length so that both phone and internet can function at the same time. and fiber optics. I learned the definition of ISP (Internet service provider). I went to staff meetings and learned about Brainstorm's development into isolated towns in Colorado that larger ISPs wont support because they are not profitable. I went to a local business and switched there security camera net work over from Century Link to Brainstorm. I learned how to mount routers and a little about old circuit boards. I was surprised by how much work goes into every business to provide internet that I always took for granted. I really enjoyed the hangs on field work and hope to do more of it!